记录s 政策: Retention and Disposition of 记录s

记录创建, 收到了, 或赌博正规的十大网站在其运作和活动过程中使用的,以支持运作的方式保留和处理, 行政, and legal expectations of the institution. 该政策的目标是建立一个记录管理计划,允许赌博正规的十大网站(“学院”或“CC”)满足学院的内部运营需求以及满足与机构记录相关的外部期望. 为此,本政策将有助于遵守联邦和州法律法规. It will also provide guidance for the disposition of records no longer needed.

Responsible office
金融 & 政府
Responsible party
CFO and VP of 金融 and 政府
Additional references
Guidance for Colorado Community and State Colleges and Universities


所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.


记录管理程序包括赌博正规的十大网站教师维护的所有记录, 学生, 和工作人员. 该项目也适用于其他可能通过与赌博正规的十大网站的联系而获得该学院记录的志愿者, Trustees of the College, third party administrators, 承包商, or in other capacities. 本政策中规定的记录保留和处理指南适用于所有记录格式,无论是纸质的还是电子的(电子邮件), 电子表格, 数据库, imaged or word-processed documents).  适当的, 本政策应纳入与校园档案管理有关的现行政策和程序.

Authorities Delegated/Administrative Responsibility

学院院长将学院档案管理项目的管理委托给机构规划副总裁 & 有效性.  Based on that delegation, the AVP of Institutional Planning & 有效性 is responsible for overseeing the quality, 一致性, and effectiveness of the college’s procedures related to records. This oversight includes (a) remaining current on record retention expectations, 特别是与外部要求有关的方面(b)与有关方面沟通这些期望(c)建立和维护记录的归档标准(d)授权和监督记录的处置(e)履行指定的其他记录管理职责.

Ownership of Institutional 记录s

所有的记录, 创建, 收到了, or used by Colorado College in the course of its operations and activities, regardless of physical location, are the property of Colorado College.

可访问性 of 记录s

记录应易于被授权访问它们的人检索,并且它们应采用可读格式. 例如,电子记录不应因技术变化而无法使用. As record formats trend toward obsolescence, 学院应该识别可能受到不利影响的记录,并将其转换为更合适的格式. 或者,学院可以保留必要的设备,以适应过时的格式.



Document Imaging

通过文档成像获得的任何效率都不应以牺牲文档完整性(易读性)为代价。. 程序必须确保有足够的索引、存储和检索图像文档.

Variances in 记录 Retention

In the event a record is subject to more than one retention requirement, the longer retention period shall prevail.


记录的储存和保护的安全程度应与记录中所载信息的敏感性相称. 在努力减少不适当存取的风险的同时,还应作出类似的努力,保护记录不受火灾造成的实物损坏, 水, or natural disaster.

Litigation, Claims, or Other Unforeseen 事件



- civil and criminal courts; or

- internal investigation, audit or review.

- or at the instruction of legal counsel

性格- - - - - -

在保存期限结束时,未被保留的记录应予销毁. 如果学校以多种形式(纸质和电子)保留了相同的记录,则应注意处理方式的一致性. 此外,销毁方法应与记录的敏感程度相称.    

Data Classification


Method of 破坏 for paper records


州和/或联邦法律或赌博正规的十大网站政策要求保护记录. Information classified as 敏感的, but achieving Colorado College’s mission requires that certain 教师, staff or student workers have access



Generally not available to the public



Available to the general public


 Disaster Recovery /Business Continuity

Risks to records include natural disaster (flood, fire); building fault (leaks, faulty sprinkler system); computer threats (viruses, hackers); human error (accidental deletion, 破坏, or damage); and crime (theft, 破坏). 学院的应急准备小组应与学院的内部审计师一起确定并实施足以应对这些风险的可能性和程度的内部控制.




活动记录 –   记录s needed to support current business activity of a department, 部门, or other organizational group supporting an institutional purpose. 

Archival 记录s -提供学院历史证明文件或提供个人信息的记录, 的地方, things and events connected with the College.

Data Classification – A methodology through which records are categorized into levels of sensitivity. The categories facilitate appropriate access and use of the records.

  • 敏感的: 州和/或联邦法律或赌博正规的十大网站政策要求保护记录; classified as 敏感的, but achieving Colorado College’s mission requires that certain, specific and limited, 教师, staff or student workers have access;
  • 保密: Generally not available to the public;
  • 公共: Available to the general public.

Inactive 记录s – 记录s for which the active period has passed, yet they are being retained for the remainder of the specified retention period.

Institutional 记录s – Institutional records include, but are not limited to: official financial records, employment and payroll records, academic records, 医疗记录, and any other records related to College operations.

诉讼举行 -法律要求学院“暂停”某些文件,以防发生威胁或即将发生的诉讼, or certain types of investigations or audits. 适当的内阁成员将通知您何时必须实施hold和hold的要求.  When that occurs, in compliance with the hold instructions, you must immediately stop the 破坏 of any records covered by the hold, including such records that may be on an automated 破坏 schedule.  Be careful to review and understand the scope of any hold, the documents it applies to, and the individuals it may affect.  请与相应的内阁成员联系,讨论您可能与等待有关的任何问题或担忧.

记录 -学院为处理业务或处理事务而收到或创造的资料(任何形式).

Retention Period -学院以无障碍格式保留记录所需的最短时间长度.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/29/2024