登记 & 课程招生预期政策

Approved by
July 2014
July 2014
Last review
July 2019


所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, 包括志愿者在内,都在这项政策的范围内. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, 学院将依靠校园社区, 支持包括志愿者在内的大学政策的精神和目标. 除非学校政策里特别提到, 学院的董事会受其章程管辖.



Although most students have selected their courses prior to the beginning of the fall and spring terms, 所有学生(新), continuing, transfers and readmits) must officially check-in at the beginning of each term — Blocks 1 and 5.  这个过程验证了学生的到校, 有意参加本学期的课程,并履行所有经济义务. 如果不这样做,可能会导致课程被取消. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the registrar’s office if they will not attend for the term.


预注册是提前注册课程的正式过程. 预先登记 at 科罗拉多大学 is unique in that the Points System (a 40- point per semester, sealed bid-system) will determine who is enrolled and who is placed on a waiting list for a course based on the student’s point bid. 科罗拉多大学’s academic year is broken up into 8 blocks; blocks 1 – 4 take place in the Fall and blocks 5 – 8 take place in the Spring. 学生每学期必须在每个街区注册一门课程. 大多数分班课程在一个分班期间(一个单元)进行。, however, 也有分班课程,分为两个分班(2个单元). Students can sign up for any combination of the two to total a minimum of 4 units each semester. 提交预登记以供处理, each student is assigned a 预先登记 Passcode (a 6-letter combination code) for each 预先登记 term. All students must meet with their Advisors to receive their passcode for the term; passcodes will not be accessible at the Registrar’s Office.


春天(第七街区), 学生将参加秋季预注册,以计划他们的下一个完整学年. Students will be allowed 40-points to distribute between their blocks 1 – 4 courses and 40-points to distribute between their saved course choices for blocks 5 – 8. Fall 预先登记 will formally process course registrations and points for the following fall semester and enroll students in courses or place them on a waiting list based on the student’s point bid. Students’ spring selections and points will be saved as a draft to be revisited and processed during Spring 预先登记 in the fall.


All students, returning and new first-years, will participate in Spring 预先登记 in block 3. 如果学生已经创建了他们的春季课程选择和分数的保存草案, 他们将能够修改或正式提交处理. 比如秋季预注册, 学生将获得40分,将5 - 8个选项分配给各自的小组. Spring 预先登记 will formally process course registrations and points for the spring semester and enroll students in courses or place them on a waiting list based on the student’s point bid.


与秋季和春季预注册分开, 新入学的一年级学生参加第2单元的一年级学生预注册. New first-year students are mandatorily enrolled in blocks 1 and 2 with their First-Year Experience courses. First-Year Student 预先登记 is the formal process for new first-year students to register for blocks 3 and 4 and to select their spring courses to be saved as a draft to return to during Spring 预先登记. 一年级学生预注册, 学生可以将20分分配给第三块的选择 & 4 and will be enrolled in courses or placed on waiting lists based on the student’s point bid. 学生们还将有40分可以分配给他们保存的春季课程选择. *转学生注意事项:新转学生不需要参加FYE, 第一年体验课程. Transfer students admitted in the Fall or Winter send their course registrations to the Registrar’s Office before classes begin and can choose from the complete course listings; typically courses that have availability. Transfer students do not bid points for courses offered in their first semester at CC because 预先登记 for returning students has already been processed.


扩展格式和辅助课程是部分学分(0.25 or 0.5) courses taken over the course of a semester at the same time the student is enrolled in full-credit block long courses.  

在扩展课程中, students may take no more than one extended-format course per semester (one-half unit) and one extended-format course spanning the year (one unit) unless the dean’s office grants permission for an overload.

在每门辅修课程中, students may earn one-quarter unit toward their degree requirement for each semester of work. Students may take no more than three adjunct courses per semester unless the Registrar’s Office grants permission for an overload. In no case may students count more than two total units of adjunct credit towards the general education degree requirements.


Students are permitted to add a course in progress during the first two days of a block with the consent of the instructor. 他们可能会在下午5点之前放弃一门课程.m. 第二周的星期二. 这半个街区可能会在周四下午5点之前被丢弃.m. 学生应该意识到, however, 在前两天的学习之后再增加一门课程是很困难的,甚至是不可能的, so that credit for the block will be lost if the course is dropped after the first two days. Students may add or drop courses to be taken in future blocks at any time prior to the beginning of those courses without the instructors’ consent. Exceptions to the procedure must be authorized by the dean’s office and affected professors. 如果学生参与了荣誉委员会的调查,他们不能放弃一门课程.

One of the primary goals of the Block Plan is to provide a framework within which students may devote all of their formal academic efforts to one course. 因此,不可能在一个时段内注册多个主要课程. 然而,学生也可以报名参加最多三个辅修课程和最多 .每学期5个单元的扩展课程. 学生最多也可以选择 .一月的半个街区有五个单位. 未经批准的超载会导致信用损失.


一个学生被允许在每个街区的一个等候名单上. 当课程有空缺时, 当有空位时,等待名单上的第一个学生将自动添加. 通知将发送到学生的赌博正规的十大网站电子邮件地址. If a student is enrolled in another course the same block, this course is automatically dropped. Students who are allowed into class from the waiting list by the professor on the first day of class must officially add the course through the drop/add application with the consent of the instructor. Students who fail to officially add the course lose the option of taking the course on the Pass/Fail option and must take the course for a letter grade.





报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/22/2022