Professor Emerita Victoria Levine receives the Society for 人种音乐学's Highest Award

The Department of 亩ic is pleased to announce that Professor Emerita Victoria Levine has received the prestigious "Honorary Membership" award, bestowed by the Society for 人种音乐学 at the annual conference in Ottawa, 加拿大, 10月在18到22岁, 2023. 这个奖项, 扫描电镜给出的最高值, 是终身成就奖吗, given in recognition of Vicki’s extraordinary service to the Society and contribution to the field of ethnomusicology.

Vicki began her musical studies on piano and harpsichord and went on to earn B.亩. 和B.A. (Anthropology) degrees, both with honors, followed by an M.A. in 亩ic History, all from San Francisco State University. In 1980, Vicki went to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to start her Ph.D. program in ethnomusicology with the late Bruno Nettl as her advisor.

在80年代早期, Vicki was one of only a few people working with Native Americans in the Southeast, including the Choctaw in Mississippi, 路易斯安那州, 和俄克拉荷马州. 她以细心著称, 敏感的, thorough fieldwork that included participant observation as well as studying recordings, 档案材料, 二手资料. 她获得了博士学位.D. in 1990, 三十年后, the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma was able to use her dissertation re搜索 for an exhibit on the late removals in their new cultural center and museum, and she repatriated recordings of some 300 social dance songs for use by the Choctaw Nation Dance Troupe. In 1998, Vicki began work with the Yuchi (Euchee) Tribe near Tulsa, teaming up with Jason Baird Jackson (Indiana University). 包括她的儿子, 斯科特(CC ' 08)和女儿, 伊丽莎白, 在俄克拉何马州的旅行中, Vicki continues to be a welcome visitor at Yuchi ceremonial grounds. She currently plans to coauthor an article with Aubrey Skeeter (CC ’19) based on their 2017 faculty-student collaborative re搜索 with Yuchi shell-shakers and song leaders.

Vicki began her work at 科罗拉多大学 in 1988, 她的整个职业生涯都在那里度过, retiring as Professor Emerita in 2020. 她戴过很多帽子, 获得奖项, 教授职位, 奖助金, 奖学金, and served for five years as the Director of the Hulbert Center for Southwest Studies (1999-2004). Pursuing an early love of Balinese culture and enjoyment of playing in a gamelan as an undergraduate, Vicki collaborated with I Made Lasmawan and his wife, 我是赖爷玛尼, to develop the College’s Indonesian performing arts program with contributions from Balinese dancers, 作曲家, 音乐家, and others in the American gamelan community. 这个项目, which celebrated its thirtieth anniversary in May 2023, now houses five different Balinese gamelan ensembles and a Javanese gamelan.

Service work with SEM began in 1986, first helping with local arrangements. 随着时间的推移, 薇姬是理事会成员, 作为董事会的普通成员, 在计划和奖项委员会, and as Book Review editor for the journal 人种音乐学, while authoring articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries, and reviews for many publications. She actively participated in SEM meetings at the Chapter and National levels and became involved in the College 亩ic Society and the International Council for Traditions of 亩ic and Dance. In 1999, Vicki received SEM’s Ida Halpern Fellowship and Award, which funded re搜索 for a 2004 article co-authored with Jason Jackson, “Singing for Garfish: 亩ic and Woodland Communities in Eastern Oklahoma,以及其他工作. In 2009, Vicki was among the first to consider forming a special interest group within SEM focused on Indigenous music and dance. Serving on the Board at that time, she facilitated the submission of the necessary paperwork, and the Indigenous 亩ic and Dance Special Interest Group began in spring, 2010. 在小组的第一次会议上, Vicki was elected to serve as Chair, 这样过了两年, 从2010 - 12.  Thanks to the efforts of Vicki and others, the group sponsored its first international pre-conference symposium, “Sound Alliances: A Celebration of Indigenous 亩ic and Culture,2017年在赌博正规的十大网站(科罗拉多大学). 

Several publications are among Vicki’s significant contributions to her field. These include her 1990 co-authored book with James Howard on 乔克托族音乐和舞蹈, a work published in 2002 by the American 亩icological Society (AMS) titled Writing American Indian 亩ic: Historic Transcriptions, Notations, and Arrangements, the festschrift for Bruno Nettl she co-edited with Philip Bohlman titled 音乐这个东西 (2015), and most recently in 2019, 亩ic and Modernity Among First Peoples of North America,与迪伦·罗宾逊合编. In 2020, this volume won two awards for excellence as an edited volume: the SEM Ellen Koskoff award and the AMS Ruth Solie award.

Congratulations, Vicki, on your accomplishments!

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/11/2023