CC100 & CC120


Taken during a student's first semester, the first-year foundations course sequence (CC100: Critical Inquiry Seminar & CC120: First-Year Writing Seminar) serve as the foundation to CC's General Education plan.

作为一个序列, these courses provide an introduction to disciplinary scholarship, the nature of the liberal arts, and learning on the block. In the first block (CC100), 学生们开始将文科理解为一种由各种认识论和方法论文化组成的特定社区. 本课程的目标是帮助学生了解不同的研究领域以不同的方式构建和组织知识, each with its own paradigms and assumptions. 第二个模块(CC120)建立在CC100的基础上,让学生理解学科实践和写作之间的关系. 本课程的目标是帮助学生理解每个学科在特定的话语社区中运作,每个话语社区都有自己的结构, 风格, 和形式.

所有CC100 & CC120 courses are linked, 这意味着同一CC100课程的学生将作为一个队列进入相关的CC120课程. 这些联系有助于加强在第一个街区发展起来的社会联系,让学生有更多的时间在街区一起学习.

Fall CC100 courses are also grouped into "thematic clusters.“这些集群旨在帮助学生在比较框架中思考学科知识的生产. Courses are clustered around a shared topic, 问题, or theme (i.e. "Operations of Power"). Although students are enrolled in a single CC100/CC120 course sequence, 集群中的所有课程都将提供定期的“融合体验”,为学生提供跨课程参与的机会,以比较各自课程中与共享主题相关的知识创造的不同方法.

thematic clusters (fall start)

Animal-Human Boundaries

本课程将探讨人类与非人类生物之间的复杂关系, 包括植物, 动物, and microscopic bacteria and viruses with emphasis on the ecological, 道德, 社会, and cultural dimensions of what separates us from other species. Click here to read more.

Crisis and Sustainability

这类课程将审视当今世界所处的脆弱地位, 包括人类在个人和社会层面上影响全球气候的方式, how we measure those impacts, and the global and demographic populations most dramatically affected. Click here to read more.


本课程将探讨文化、语言和身份的动态交集. 学生将接触到不同的观点和经验,以加深对塑造我们世界的复杂文化边界的理解,并学习如何建立理解和联系的桥梁. Click here to read more.

Modern Technology and Social Impacts

这组课程将考察现代技术进步的方式, from the discovery of new antibiotics to 社会 media and artificial intelligence, have changed the way that we interact with one another and the world at large. Click here to read more.

Negotiating Identities

Courses in this cluster will examine how historical events, geographic location, and cultural bias impact identity development, how the identities we carry impact the way we experience the world, and the importance/development of community. Click here to read more.

Past and Present in Critical Dialogue

本课程将探讨文化和政治的历史和当代观点之间的动态相互作用, 包括过去的文化和政治实践如何塑造和影响当前的问题, 辩论, and challenges in the global landscape. Click here to read more.

Power, Culture, and Resistance

Courses in this cluster will examine the complex interplay between power, 文化, and resistance in various societies and historical contexts. 学生将探索不同形式的权力和权威如何塑造文化规范和表达, 同时也研究了挑战主导权力结构的各种抵抗策略和机制. Click here to read more.

Stories and Storytelling

这类课程将考察不同文化和时代的讲故事传统. While these courses approach storytelling from different academic perspectives, 它们都强调了讲故事的重要性以及讲故事的人影响社会的方式(反之亦然)。. Click here to read more.


这类课程将考察认识和理解世界的各种不同的、与环境相关的方式, 同时探索这些观点如何塑造个人和集体的经验, 信仰, 和价值观. Click here to read more.

Winter Start Course Descriptions (2025)

CC105: Title forthcoming.

Instructor: Michelle Gevedon
Learning Across the Liberal Arts Designation: Scientific Analysis

Description forthcoming.

CC120: Primate Narratives & Multispecies Ethnographies

Instructor: Krista Fish

灵长类动物学是生物人类学中的一个专业,有着丰富的讲故事的历史. 从强调在雨林中生存的挑战的纪录片,到珍·古道尔(Jane Goodall)最早记录她对黑猩猩研究的书籍, many people have gained an understanding of our close relatives through narrative. 学生 will explore primate narratives that are presented in documentaries, field narratives written for the general public, and scientific reports on primate behavior. 除了比较这些不同叙事形式在讲故事方面的差异, 我们还将通过“多物种人种学”的视角来审视人与动物的关系,” an emerging line of inquiry from cultural anthropology. 学生们将研究这些讲述人类与非人类互动的故事的不同方式如何增加我们对自己和我们所居住的世界的理解.



CC106: The Political Science of Critical Issues

Instructor: Elizabeth Coggins
Learning Across the Liberal Arts Designation: Societies & 人类行为

CC100课程旨在帮助学生开始理解文科作为一种由各种认识论和方法论文化组成的特定社区. 不同的研究领域以不同的方式构建和组织知识——政治学, like other fields, has its own paradigms and assumptions. In this particular course, 我们将使用我们这个时代的三个“关键问题”作为工具,以加深对政治科学家如何观察的理解, 问题, and theorize about political phenomena. 换句话说, 我们将利用这些问题来揭示政治科学的一些范式和假设. In particular we will focus on polarization, climate change, and race relations. 这些紧迫的社会政治问题将引导我们走上“像政治科学家一样思考”的道路.“我们将批判性地参与原创研究——无论是开创性的还是前沿的——来解决这些问题. Perhaps most importantly, 我们将开发工具来评估课程范围之外的问题和尚未出现在美国议程上的问题.S. 政治. 

CC120: Reading Fiction

Instructor: George Butte

这门文学课的目的是帮助你成为一个更好的故事读者. We will read a wide variety of fictions, from different periods and 文化s. Understanding how narrative works is a fundamental cultural skill. You will also practice writing about that understanding, including revising papers after one-on-one tutorials. Questions we will address: how to read fiction, themes and form? How do we read our reading? What assumptions underlie our processes? And how can your writing and argumentation improve? We will look at different kinds of academic writing (assumptions, conventions). We will also discuss the racism, classism, and sexism of Standard (White) English. We will discuss a major conflict at the College: on one hand, we are anti-racist, anti-classist, anti-sexist, and you will have the opportunity to write free of Standard English values. But on the other hand, 在大学毕业后的许多职业生涯中取得成功(至少在革命到来之前), at Yale Law School or the New York Times, you will have to write good Standard English, and so endorse some racist and classist values. This class allows you to choose between those options.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/31/2024