Student Health Center


学院和与我们合作的健康专业人员致力于支持赌博正规的十大网站学生的健康,理解健康的学生最好能够充分参与通过赌博正规的十大网站课程和项目提供的教育机会. 我们还致力于教育我们的学生如何成为一生中精明和知情的医疗保健用户.

Hours of Operation

Hours of Operation

Open from Monday to Friday

 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Reach us at (719)-389-6384


If you need care outside of Health Center hours call:

UCHealth Urgent Care: (719)-999-3857

Safe Ride can provide transportation: (719)-389-6340


For emergencies call: Campus Safety or 911




For medical emergencies, call 911.

For urgent medical concerns on campus, 您也可以拨打校园安全(719-389-6707),他们将与科罗拉多斯普林斯消防部门和科罗拉多斯普林斯美国医疗反应部门协调, and our campus CCEMS first responders.

We’re here to support you!


For compliments or concerns regarding your care, 请赌博正规的十大网站的门诊患者体验部:



Counseling Center and Psychological Services

科罗拉多大学心理咨询服务 is operated by the college.  我们多元化的辅导员团队致力于支持和解决学生的心理健康需求. Counseling and Psychological Services 电话:719-389-6093,位于耶鲁大学学生服务大楼学生健康中心的隔壁.

24/7 Mental Health Support for Students
Free, 每天24小时无限制地访问治疗师和按需咨询, seven days a week, 365 days a year including holidays


赌博正规的十大网站社区的健康和福利是我们的首要任务. 赌博正规的十大网站采用公共卫生框架进行疾病预防和应对 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 以下是管理呼吸道感染的指南,包括COVID-19、流感和RSV.

Preventing Illness


  • 当你有症状时,呆在家里或自己的房间里,远离他人.
    • 如果你需要缺课,或者看看是否可以选择虚拟上课,给你的教授发邮件寻求帮助. 
    • 如果您对如何在生病期间获得外卖餐有疑问,请联系您的RLC.
  • Wearing a mask 与他人保持身体距离可以减少疾病传播给他人.
  • COVID-19 and Influenza testing is available at the Student Health Center during the academic year
    • 如果需要在营业时间以外或周末进行测试,请联系加州大学健康紧急护理中心, Garden of Gods location. 校园安全中心可以提供接送服务:719-389-6707
  • 在国内,可以在当地商店购买快速COVID检测试剂盒.
    • Prices range between $10 – 25 per test kit. They are available at Walgreens, King Soopers, etc.
    • Call Campus Safety for a ride: 719-389-6707
  • Guidance on when to resume normal activities

Additional Information



Measles Information

麻疹是所有传染病中最具传染性的疾病之一, 因为当感染者咳嗽或打喷嚏时,它很容易通过空气传播. 它更有可能在人群未接种疫苗的社区传播并引发疫情. 对于从未患过麻疹或未接种推荐的两种疫苗系列的学生和工作人员来说,麻疹是一种健康风险. 虽然科罗拉多斯普林斯目前没有爆发疫情, 赌博正规的十大网站正在积极减少校园内疫情爆发的风险, 我们想向家长和家庭保证,如果校园爆发疫情, 我们将与当地公共卫生官员密切合作,确保向所有可能受影响的人发出通知,并提供适当的护理.

你可以找到更多关于麻疹和麻疹疫苗的信息 Center for Disease Control's website.

您也可以在CC网站上找到有关的信息 documentation the college requires for entry into Colorado College, and campus prevention education.

Altitude Sickness

As you settle into Colorado Springs, 请记住,城市和周围公园的海拔高度是6,035+ ft above sea level, and may be much higher than you're used to.

At these high altitudes, 由于气压下降,你的身体吸收的氧气会减少, which can cause altitude sickness.

You may experience the following symptoms, 通常在抵达科罗拉多州后的48小时内;

  • Headache
  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lack of appetite, nausea, or vomiting
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Difficulty sleeping


预防高原反应的最好方法是在去高海拔地区旅行时提前计划,慢慢走. For example, if you are driving to Estes Park from sea level, 你可能会考虑在丹佛待一两个晚上. 一旦到达目的地,你应该计划在最初的一两天内避免过度劳累. 你可以考虑等到行程的后期再开车经过落基山国家公园(Rocky Mountain National Park)的Trail Ridge Road,183 ft.), or climb to any of the mountain peaks.


Altitude sickness can affect anyone, even pets. Allow yourself to rest, and be sure to drink plenty of water, as high altitudes increase the chances of dehydration. Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol. Mild analgesics, such as Tylenol, can also help. 高原反应通常会在几个小时内消退, and will mostly disappear within a day or so. 注意你的身体很重要,但不要过度.

Report an issue - Last updated: 09/30/2024

Contact Us

Phone: (719) 389-6384

Hours: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Monday - Friday

Location: 212 of the Yalich Student Services Center


Meningococcal Disease and Vaccination Fact Sheet.
Meningitis Symptoms
For more information, visit the National Meningitis site.

Why Tdap is a good idea:
百日咳(百日咳)的最大担忧不一定是大学生, but with infants that they may come in contact with. 科罗拉多州公共卫生和环境部(CDPHE)有一个有用的 Frequently Asked Questions sheet for our reference.