学生员工 & Interns


Katy Chapman凯蒂·查普曼24岁 主修人类学并对文化人类学和考古学感兴趣. 她在德国和宾夕法尼亚州斯沃斯莫尔长大. 在她空闲的时候, 凯蒂喜欢做艺术, 花时间在户外, 和她的乐队一起创作音乐, 照顾家里的植物. She is excited to be a part of the State 落基山脉 team and help with a variety of projects.




艾莉森Mueller-Hickler艾莉森·穆勒-希克勒26岁 来自德克萨斯州的凯蒂.  她是越野和田径队的一员,未来的RA,是在 Student-赌博正规的十大网站运动员咨询委员会. 她计划主修环境科学,辅修历史. Alison became involved with State 落基山脉 after attending a tabling event in Block 3. 她鼓励 anyone, who has the chance, 探索科罗拉多斯普林斯地区和落基山脉地区. 





梅西麦考利梅西·麦考利,26岁 你是洛夫兰的教育学专业学生吗, 科罗拉多的兴趣是艺术, 平面设计, hiking, the outdoors, swimming, 和钩编. Macy joined the State 落基山脉 because she wanted to contribute to the larger Colorado Springs community by assisting 重要的环境和可持续发展举措. She is also 对平面设计感兴趣 人为的 这是磨练的好机会吗 her skills. 






Rafi 2023Rafi Donahoe, 24岁 

Rafi来自加州旧金山,主修艺术. 她的爱好是骑自行车、看电影和做饭. 关于拉菲的一个有趣的事实是,她爸爸曾经是 a weatherman所以他在电视直播中宣布了她的出生. 

妮可·克雷格黑德妮可·克雷格黑德26岁 妮可来自格林威治, Connecticut 主修数学经济学. 她喜欢跑步、踢足球和游泳. 关于她的一个有趣的事实是,她在学前班和幼儿园参加过国际象棋全国比赛garten. 

Kate Lee凯特·李24岁 凯特来自科罗拉多州伊利市 喜欢读书,唱歌,和朋友出去玩. 她主修实习国家政治经济学,会讲四语语言(英语、韩语、日语、中文)

Dark Skies Summer '23项目实习生


塞尔吉奥期待着扩大他在研究领域的技能. He is from Denver, and plans on working 在丹佛附近的大学毕业后. 作为一个商业和经济专业的学生, 他努力为研究项目做出贡献, 并积累处理自己的论文项目所需的知识. 塞尔吉奥是第一代学生,致力于他的学术和工作, 愿意做任何必要的事情来实现他的抱负和目标. 他对黑暗天空项目的兴趣源于他对研究的热情和希望 providing 对他人有用的信息. 对他来说,这只是他计划做出的各种贡献的开始. 


纳塔莉亚Segova 娜塔莉亚·塞戈维亚25岁

娜塔莉亚是赌博正规的十大网站即将升入大三的学生,主修经济学. 她来自科罗拉多州的科罗拉多斯普林斯. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢锻炼,远足和听音乐. 她还参加了一些课外活动, 包括SOMOS和科罗拉多大学投资俱乐部. 

莎拉·比德尔莎拉·比德尔,23岁 莎拉主修博物馆学,辅修表演设计. Sarah is an artist and has been exploring how she can lend her creative eye to museum and theatre design in college. 她很感激能有机会与 State 来练习她的策展技巧,并倡导艺术的重要性. 


林ArcoiteBrigitte Arcoite '24

For most of her childhood, Brigitte knew no connection to our natural world as she had grown up in a 相对密度 康涅狄格州诺沃克市区. This all changed when she was introduced to a small state-funded wilderness therapy-like program tucked away in the woods of northern Connecticut. Brigitte's rigorous involvement in this reciprocal environment helped her discover her passion for environmental advocacy alongside a community-engaged approach. 她渴望以一种新的方式探索这种激情 State 落基山脉. 




Lily Frost莉莉·弗罗斯特26岁 

Lily来自加州伯克利,主修有机生物学和生态学. She is interested in human interactions with the natural world and minimizing our impact on different ecosystems. The dark skies public lands survey is a combination of her conservation and journalism interests and an opportunity to form a qualitative understanding of recreation and conservation in the Rocky Mountain west. 





Jesús在赌博正规的十大网站学习地球化学. He was born and raised in Venezuela; moved to New Mexico, for boarding school at UWC-USA. He has played tennis for about 14 years and loves Back-country activities particularly Backpacking. Jesús不太常见的爱好是射箭. His research interests vary from Geopolitics to Stable Isotope Geochemistry and Trace element Biogeochemistry. He intends to use his individual research opportunity in the Dark Skies Project to study the effectiveness of Wilderness Areas as conservation-designated land or Isotopic Tracers of the impact of humans in federal lands. 


Liam Mullen


利亚姆是北卡罗来纳州教堂山市即将升入大三的学生. 他喜欢跑步、徒步旅行和户外活动. His interest in conservation was sparked by spending time in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. He plans to major in economics and is excited to work as part of the State 落基山脉 project this summer. 



Nathalie San Fratello娜塔莉·圣·弗拉泰罗,25年

娜塔莉是芝加哥的二年级学生. As a Design Studies major and Feminist and Gender Studies minor her interests combine studying art with a social purpose, fashion, 有意识消费. 她的课外活动包括担任时尚俱乐部和B-Side主席,在那里她 主要组织 学生分享作品的活动. 在她空闲的时候, 个人爱好包括对面料和材料进行升级再利用, walking, exploring, and yoga. 她期待着在黑暗天空和公共土地研究小组工作, 因为她正在进行与西部保护有关的实地采访, 可持续性, 和天然纺织品.


Chris BurichChris Burich, 24岁

克里斯来自纽约,主修环境研究,辅修城市研究. 在赌博正规的十大网站, 他是俱乐部棒球队的一员, 西格玛兄弟会的成员, 埃德·罗布森的竞技场专家. Chris enjoys biking, skiing, or anything that involves being outside either on or off campus. He is looking forward to working with the State 落基山脉 to learn more about his local environment, 提高GIS技能, 并与其他充满激情的学生和教授合作. 


Shamdeed KabirShamdeed Kabir ' 25

Shamdeed is from Dhaka, Bangladesh is pursuing a major in Computer Science and a minor in Statistics. 他对数据科学和建模有着广泛的兴趣, 他想象自己在机器学习领域工作, 生物信息学, 或者未来的气候模型. 除了他的学术兴趣, Shamdeed是一个狂热的古董硬币收藏家和汽车爱好者, 谁喜欢去不同的国家旅行,喜欢背包旅行, fishing, and kayaking. 


Liam Keilty利亚姆·凯利,25岁

我在拉斯维加斯长大, Nevada, 利亚姆对西部的山脉和植物产生了强烈的尊重和敬畏. 科罗拉多的山脉不仅为人们的福祉提供了很多, 还有我们全球环境的福祉. 虽然科罗拉多是个新地方, Liam is invested in learning as much about its ecological systems and committed to finding new ways to preserve or rehabilitate the beauty that resides here. Liam is excited to study the effects and possible solutions to severe wildfires in the West. 


Sydney是一名高级生物生物学专业的学生 & 来自爱达荷州博伊西的生态学专业. 热爱自然保护和森林生态, 她是沃尔多峡谷火灾项目的助理研究生态学家. 在落基山脉外, 悉尼是一名西班牙语翻译, 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》的插画师, 是女子足球俱乐部的队员. 她还喜欢背包旅行、滑雪和弹吉他! 


Theo Ollier26岁的Theo Ollier

西奥是赌博正规的十大网站即将升入大二的学生. 他希望在有机体生物学和生态学以及环境科学方面获得双学位. 他来自俄亥俄州伍斯特,业余时间喜欢攀岩、徒步旅行和阅读. Theo got involved with this project because he wanted the opportunity to study the effects of climate change in the Front Range firsthand and gain ecological knowledge. 



Charlotte is a third-year Environmental Science major and Human Biology and Kinesiology minor from Denver, Colorado. 她喜欢打网球、旅游和户外活动. 作为沃尔多峡谷队的一员, Charlotte is excited to contribute to our understanding of local wildfire impacts and the regeneration process through field research. She is eager to work for State 落基山脉 and pursue her interests in 可持续性 and conservation. 


Ollie Beland


奥利主修生物化学,希望辅修美术工作室和数学. He grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas - but has always been drawn towards the Rocky Mountain region. Ollie enjoys integrating art into as many aspects of his life as possible - particularly through photography. 在科罗拉多州,他第一次发现了摄影术, and now almost 10 years later he is ecstatic to use photography this summer as part of the Waldo Canyon Research Project. 


Maren GreeneMaren Greene, 24岁

Maren是一名工作室艺术专业的学生,从事各种媒介的工作, 主要专注于绘画和摄影. She has lived her whole life in Colorado and is passionate about preserving the natural spaces that helped raise her. 她知道她花在户外的时间——滑雪和骑自行车翻山越岭, 在花园中漫步, and lounging under trees— is sacred: grounding her in life’s chaos and inspiring her creative practices. As such, she is deeply motivated by discovering art’s place in conservation efforts and using her work to give back to the land that inspired it. 


亚伦帕特森亚伦帕特森, 12岁 

Aaron 是Meta的制作人、导演和高级创意总监. Previously, 他曾在Hook从事制作和内容创作工作, Uber, 和信用业力, 他一直致力于 numerous 短片和纪录片项目. He is excited to be advising the State 落基山脉 Film Crew on their project this summer.





奥黛丽主修电影和意大利语. 她最近完成了她的毕业论文Kabwe Ka Mukuba, 这是一部关于卡布威铅中毒的环保主义电影, Zambia. 她喜欢在电影制作过程的各个方面工作,并观看各种类型的电影. 




丹尼尔是科罗拉多大学2023届即将毕业的大四学生. 他的激情是相机和它与环境的互动. 在CC完成了电影和媒体研究学位, 丹尼尔希望将来能成为一名自然电影摄影师. 



Matan Fields马坦·菲尔兹,26岁

马坦是北安普顿大学即将升入大二的学生, 在马萨诸塞州攻读电影和媒体研究专业. 他热衷于创造性地讲故事,将其作为积极变革的力量, hoping to tell empathetic stories that bring awareness to poignant issues and explore humanity. 在他空闲的时候, 你可能会在各种各样的终极飞盘锦标赛中发现马坦, 弹吉他, 与朋友和家人在大自然中共度时光. 在落基山脉州, 马坦的目标是通过电影聚焦人类因素和气候变化的后果. 


查理是一名来自乔治亚州亚特兰大市的电影专业学生. 查理喜欢拍电影和看电影,也是一名环保活动家. 从高中一直到大学, 他把大部分时间都花在了教育自己和他人电影理论上, while also working to raise awareness about the threat climate change poses to the future of humanity. Charlie's dream is to combine the persuasiveness of movie magic with a call to action to protect our planet. 


萨达舒曼萨达舒曼, 26岁

萨达舒曼是来自马萨诸塞州Bozeman的电影和媒体研究专业的学生. 除了各种创意领域外,萨达还在保护和农业领域工作. 作为SOTR摄制组的一员, Sada uses her diverse background to explore how film can create a emotional call for climate action in the Rocky Mountain West. Her work on the project falls within the increasingly important field of science communication and provides a bridge between data-driven research and public perspectives. 


Greg Shea格雷格·谢伊,22岁 

格雷格·谢伊(Greg Shea)是一位专注于音频的电影制作人和编辑. Greg graduated from CC in 2022 with a major in Film and Media Studies and is currently working on bringing his love of climbing and the outdoors into his work.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/19/2023