Off-Campus 野外研究

实地考察旅行 include opportunities in conjunction with art courses, such as a studio class going off campus to draw or photograph the landscape, or for art students to view original works of art around the world. These exciting trips allow students, faculty and staff to see noteworthy exhibitions and experience cultural environments.

Senior Seminar New York Trip

Each year during senior seminar in October the senior art majors travel to New York. The 艺术 Department Senior Seminar trip to New York City is always a great experience as students and faculty enjoy spectacular sights and venues in several 博物馆, galleries and studios.

Colorado College President, Jill Tiefenthaler, featured the trip and some of the students' experiences on the NY Trip on her blog.


"Incredible exposure and visual impact" Ashleigh

"Unbelievable opportunity I don't think other schools provide" Anonymous

"The visit to the Penumbra Tintype Studio organized by Heather was truly unique. I love photography and this trip exposed me to a new area of photography that I don't think I would've experienced without her.“凯蒂

"The 艺术 trip to NY was a unique opportunity to experience the creative world that exists in New York through a sort of back door thanks to our faculty and staff. The trip made me realize that there are creative careers that exist and solidified my interest in pursuing one of these careers. “安娜

"An enormously formative experience - came to see [my] own work and New York in a new light" Breton

"I thought my brain was going to explode. So many amazing artists, ideas, and inspirations everywhere I looked.”茱莉亚

"The 2013 New York Trip was a great success for the Colorado College 艺术 Department. The students were exposed to a variety of art-related experiences, which provided them opportunities to learn in the field. It was very rewarding to watch the students interact with each other, their professors, and the greater world around them not only as students, but as young artists and art historians. The many events planned for students, such as visits to galleries, 博物馆, auction houses, and artist studios allowed the students to see first-hand how each of these systems operates in the art world. As a former CC art student who participated in the New York Trip, I can say this trip is one of the most valuable experiences offered by the Colorado College 艺术 Department because it allows students to become more well-rounded individuals capable of making more informed decisions about their bright futures." Erin Ravin, 艺术 Department Paraprofessional

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