Special Interest Tracks

Special interest tracks

Students with special interests in teaching, applied mathematics, statistics, and/or graduate school may wish to supplement the basic major with additional coursework. The Dept has some suggested program tracks emphasizing these interests.

Groups of courses designed to include the major requirements along with courses that support certain special interests.

General track

We recomm结束 making choices and supplementing the standard major from among the following:

  • CP 122 Computer Science I

  • 一个 of
  • 一个 of
  • Two related courses from a field outside mathematics that makes substantial use of mathematics (For example, PC 241 and PC 242)

Statistics track

Ide所有y, the major should complete these courses by the 结束 of the indicated year.

First year:

  • MA 126 Calculus 1

  • MA 129 Calculus 2

  • (Optional) 一个 of:
    • EC 215 Economics and Social Statistics
    • BY 220 Statistical Analysis

Second year:

Third year:

Fourth year:

  • MA 375 Introduction to Mathematical Analysis

  • MA 417 Mathematical Statistics

  • 一个 of the 两个 following pairs of courses:
    • Classical Inference Emphasis:
    • Numerical Approximation Emphasis:

In addition, we strongly encourage statistics students to take 一个 or more of the following courses from outside mathematics:

  • EC 450 Econometrics
  • PY 201 Research Design in Psychology
  • SO 412 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Social Research

Applied Math track

We recomm结束 that students interested in this track choose MA 417 from the options listed in the section describing the standard major. Students who plan to study engineering are advised to consider their math electives from the suggested courses in this track.

To meet and supplement the remaining 300 and 400 level requirements we recomm结束:

  • MA 313 Probability

  • MA 315 Differential Equations

  • A minimum of 一个 course from the following list:

In addition, we recomm结束 the following 200 level courses:

  • MA 217 Probability and Statistical Modeling

Also, we advise that applied math students take (at least) 两个 courses in a department of natural science outside mathematics, or in economics. Here are some suggestions:

  • Biology:

    • BY 208 Ecology
    • BY 210 Cell Biology
    • BY 212 Plant Diversity and Evolution
  • Chemistry:

    • CH 107 General Chemistry I
    • CH 108 General Chemistry II
  • Environmental Science:

    • EV 211 Quantitative Methods in Environmental Science
    • Check course 从erings for an additional course
  • Geology:

    • GY 130 Introductory Geology (2 units)
  • Physics:

    • PC 241 Introduction to Classical Physics
    • PC 242 Introduction to Classical Physics
  • Psychology:

    • PY 100 Introduction to Psychology
    • PY 201 Research Design in Psychology
    • PY 312 Neuroscience
    • PY 324 Perception
    • PY 332 Learning and Adaptive Behavior
  • Economics:

    • EC 203 Principles of Economics (2 units)
    • EC 204 Principles of Microeconomics
    • EC 205 Principles of Macroeconomics
    • EC 450 Econometrics

Secondary Teaching track

Ide所有y, the major should complete these courses by the 结束 of the indicated year:

First year:

  • MA 126 Calculus 1

  • MA 129 Calculus 2

  • 一个 of:
    • EC 215 Economics and Social Statistics
    • BY 220 Statistical Analysis
    • MA 117 Probability and Statistics

Second year:

  • MA 204 Calculus 3

  • MA 251 Number Theory
  • MA 220 Linear Algebra

  • 一个 sequence from among:
    • PC 141, PC 142 Introductory Physics I and II
    • PC 241, PC 242 Introductory Classical Physics I and II

Third year:

Fourth year:

Graduate School track

We recomm结束 supplementing the standard major by completing 所有 of the following:

  • MA 322 Abstract Algebra II

  • MA 475 Real Analysis II

  • MA 345 Research in Mathematics

  • MA 410 Complex Analysis

  • MA 399 Seminar in Mathematics (1/2 unit)

  • 一个 other 400 level mathematics course

The material in the first three courses is important to meet entrance requirements and also for the subject GRE. MA 345 所有ows a chance to 看到 if you enjoy mathematical research. The second 400 level course helps develop the depth necessary for a transition to graduate school.

We also recomm结束 a beginning in either German, French or Russian. Most Ph.D. and many master's programs require 一个 or 两个 of these languages for graduation (but 不 for admission).

Graduate school track in statistics, applied math or computer science

We suggest following the relevant track and supplementing it with an additional 400 level course (to develop mathematical depth) and other courses tailored to suit your interests and the entrance requirements of the graduate programs you are considering. Your advisor 可以 help you plan your coursework. MA 345 (Research in mathematics), MA 355 and MA455 (Indep结束ent Study) provide opportunities for students to investigate topics 不 从ered in courses. These may involve research, interdisciplinary projects, or supervised internships 从 campus.

In addition, as most graduate programs in math and science require a reading knowledge of French, Russian or German, we recomm结束 you study 一个 of these languages while you are at CC.

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/17/2020