
无障碍资源是赌博正规的十大网站的办公室,负责为残疾学生提供合理的住宿. We base decisions on documentation of disability, 功能的局限性, 历史, 以及学生对特定需求的输入. 住宿旨在确保残疾学生获得公平的教育体验.

在这一页, you'll find in形成 on the most commonly used classroom accommodations at 科罗拉多大学. 如果您对这些或其他住宿有任何疑问或疑虑,请不要犹豫与无障碍资源联系.

学生 with documented disabilities may be eligible for reasonable 考试住宿. 可能提供给学生的住宿包括但不限于延长的时间(e.g., 1 / 2或2倍时间), 减少分心的考试设置, 以及使用电脑进行文字处理. 通常,教师提供考试住宿,因为赌博正规的十大网站没有考试中心.

In形成 on how to provide extended time on exams and quizzes in Canvas.

请参阅下列指引 考试住宿 了解更多信息.

Having access to class notes can be integral to the learning process. All students 是 encouraged to actively engage in class, and taking notes is one of the many ways this occurs. 然而, some students with disabilities may need support in taking or accessing class notes. 在这种情况下, 无障碍资源与获得笔记支持的学生合作,探索住宿选择.

Additional in形成 can be found below, as well as in the guidelines for 做笔记的支持.



I'm writing to ask for a volunteer who would be willing to sh是 a copy of notes with a classmate. The volunteer will not need to do anything beyond sharing the notes already being taken in class. If multiple students volunteer, I will select a student to serve in this role.

Class notes can be provided to the student in several ways: 1) provide a photocopy of the notes; 2) provide notes taken on carbonless paper that makes a duplicate set of notes (可访问性资源 will provide the paper); or 3) email notes taken on a computer to the student.

Please let me know if you're interested in serving in this role. I'll sh是 the name of the selected volunteer with 可访问性资源, who will reach out to the volunteer to coordinate the details.

可访问性资源 will thank the volunteer with a $50.00美元的礼品卡在街区尽头.


有残障影响笔记能力的学生可能会被批准录音课程. 使用此住宿的学生必须让您知道他们是否计划在使用录音设备之前录制您的课程. 学生 typically record classes using smartphones, laptops, or smartpens (www.livescribe.com).

学生 approved for this accommodation sign an agreement with the following stipulations:

  1. 课堂录音仅供学生在学习和备课时个人使用,不得以任何形式分发, including no distribution or display in any manner on the internet.
  2. The student may not sh是 these audio recordings with any other person, whether or not that person is in the student's class.
  3. 当学生将课堂录音作为批准的住宿时,学生将通知教授.
  4. 要求, 当录音可能侵犯他人的隐私权时,学生将停止录音.
  5. 学生同意删除和/或销毁任何录音,当他们不再需要学生的学术工作.
  6. 学生未能遵守本协议的所有条款可能被视为违反科罗拉多大学学生荣誉和社区标准,并可能导致纪律处分.
  7. The student agrees that 科罗拉多大学 owns all copyright, 许可证, and intellectual property rights inherent in the audio recordings.
  8. 被允许录音作为住宿的学生必须通过电子签名同意遵守这些规定.

无障碍资源认识到,一些教师不愿意把他们的课录下来. 如果是这样的话, please do not deny the accommodation before consulting with 可访问性资源.


有时, students may experience difficulty keeping up with the pace of a lecture when taking notes, including copying in形成 from PowerPoint or other electronic presentations. 因此, 取决于课程的性质, 对于使用PowerPoint或其他电子方式传递信息的教师来说,向学生提供幻灯片或其他材料的副本可能是合适的. Please consult with 可访问性资源 if you have concerns about this accommodation, as we can help to determine if another accommodation is appropriate.


使用电脑进行文字处理是一种便利的记笔记方式,用于那些写作在某种程度上受到残疾影响的学生.g.(阅读障碍和书写障碍). 学生 是 advised to be considerate when using this accommodation, especially when other students in the class 是 not allowed to use computers. 例如, we ask students to keyboard as quietly as possible and to avoid surfing the internet, 检查电子邮件, 等.

有影响阅读标准印刷材料能力的残疾学生可能有资格获得无障碍格式的课程阅读材料. 可访问性资源 will arrange for this accommodation using a variety of formats, 包括音频, e文, 大的打印, 或盲文.

将教科书和其他材料转换为可访问的格式对于无障碍资源工作人员来说可能是一项耗时的任务. 阅读印刷材料有困难的学生应该与班上的其他人同时阅读课本和其他课程材料. 出于这些原因, students or 可访问性资源 may ask professors for a reading list before a block begins. 您在提供这些信息方面的帮助将有助于我们确保学生及时收到可访问的格式材料.

You can also assist by providing accessible PDFs to students. In形成 on how to create accessible PDFs can be found here: 创建基于文本的pdf. Accessible PDFs will benefit all students in your courses.

一些残疾学生要求灵活的出勤和作业/考试截止日期作为便利. These requests 是 handled on a case-by-case basis.

可访问性资源 has developed guidelines for 出席住宿, 有心理障碍或慢性健康问题的学生最常要求的是什么. 然而, rather than going through the process outlined in the guidelines, 大多数学生更喜欢在个案的基础上管理出勤问题,就像任何其他学生在学习期间生病一样. If a student is registered with 可访问性资源, 我们可能能够核实学生是否有可能影响出勤率的心理障碍或慢性健康状况.

学生 with a variety of disabilities may request extensions for out-of-class work. 可访问性资源 never approves this as a "blanket accommodation.”而不是, 扩展应在个案的基础上处理,并与无障碍资源协商, 在需要的时候. 请记住, 虽然, that if you give extensions to students for reasons not related to disability (e.g., 流感, 运动旅行, 家庭成员去世), you should give the same consideration to students with disabilities.

科罗拉多大学 recognizes that as a result of disability, some students may be unable to satisfy specific coursework requirements for degree completion. 因此, qualified students with disabilities may request that the college consider 课程替换. 在CC, the most commonly requested substitution is for the all-college foreign language requirement, in which case cultural courses approved by the Dean of the College 是 used for the substitution. 当学生被批准替换课程时,无障碍资源将通知指导老师. 我们通常在预注册之前这样做.

狮子、老虎和熊! 哦,我的! Due to a fairly recent legal interpretation of the Fair 住房 Act (FHA), issues related to animals on college campuses have become more prevalent. 这赌博正规的十大网站来说意味着什么? 这意味着当学生的残疾与住宿需求之间存在联系时,可以允许学生有一只情感支持动物与他们一起住在宿舍里. 因此, we now have a variety of animals in our residence halls, including d狗,猫,兔子,老鼠,鸟,还有更多.

这对教职员工意味着什么? 这意味着情感支持动物被限制在教室里,因为它们受到联邦住房管理局的保护, 只包括住房. 因此, please do not allow students to bring emotional support animals to class. 学生们签署一份协议,规定情感支持动物只能在学生宿舍或户外. Violations of this and other stipulations may result in the removal of the animal from campus.

然而,学生  allowed to bring 服务的动物 to class, including those in training. 服务性动物受《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》保护,服务性动物受科罗拉多州法律保护. Service animals 是 trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities (e.g., guide people who 是 blind, alert people who 是 deaf, or alert people in advance of low or high blood sugar events). 服务性动物,顾名思义,就是狗. 请参阅下列指引 服务的动物 额外的形成.

Please contact 可访问性资源 if you have any questions about animals.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/19/2022