
我们致力于帮助您实现健身目标. 因此,亚当F. 新闻健身中心提供了实现您特定健身目标的能力, 以及实现最佳健康和福祉的终身技能. All levels of fitness are welcome, from novice exercisers to athletes training for a specific sport!



Fit4Life@CC is a free fitness program that aims to help our retirees and their spouses/significant others/domestic partners establish a healthy and 有趣的 fitness routine. Fit4Life exercise classes focus on improving 有趣的ctional fitness, strength, 耐力, and balance.

每节课30-45分钟,包括热身, 练习的演示, 还有全身锻炼. We meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings each week; attend as your schedule permits.

与会者可以学习如何进行体重练习, 使用力量器械(哑铃), kettlebells, 和固定杠铃), 和更多的! No experience is needed and all workouts can be adjusted for each individual's abilities.

位置亚当·F. 新闻健身中心


问题? 联系Christina Lorete clorete@eagle1027.com 



亚当F. 新闻健身中心 offers a variety of group fitness classes throughout the academic year that aims to provide a way to reduce stress and to develop positive health and fitness habits. 课程的多样化选择是由校园社区决定的. 期望每位教师带来自己独特的背景和兴趣, 因此,课堂风格可能因讲师而异. 除了, schedules are constantly evolving and updating throughout the academic year due to the block schedule. 更新的日程安排可以在本页左侧找到, 确保检查并查看每个区块中的新产品!

Overall the goal of group fitness is to offer a variety of opportunities for members of the 科罗拉多大学 community to enjoy the benefits of 有氧运动vascular, 灵活性, 并通过安全力量训练, 有趣的, 有效的课程. 我们鼓励并邀请所有健康水平的个人参加, 因为课程的重点是健身, form, 和功能. Try all the classes, find a class and instructor that best fits your goals and get a great workout!


注:由于我们的导师的学术优先, we delay publication of the group fitness schedule until 5:00 pm on the first Monday of the Block.


***These are not offered every block but are typically offered throughout the year.

  • 6腹肌| 这是一种快速有效的锻炼腹肌的方法. Focus on strengthening and toning your midsection, while promoting a healthy back and core.
  • 训练营| 想把你的有氧运动和力量提升到一个新的水平? Circuit training drills drive your 有氧运动 耐力 up while keeping your muscles loaded for strength training. This class combines simple athletic drills in a unique fitness environment that will motivate you to finish hard and strong.
  • 拳击| Run by CC's boxing club, this class will focus on the technique of boxing, from punches to footwork. Do not mistake this class for kickboxing; it's geared toward those who are looking to learn or are dedicated to the sport.
  • 这种训练| High-Intensity Interval Training is a training idea in which low to moderate intensity 时间间隔 are alternated with high-intensity 时间间隔.
  • 拉丁舞| 学习如何跳舞不同的拉丁节奏. 带来你的快乐, 激情, 舞蹈动作将会是各种风格的混合, 比如萨尔萨舞, 梅伦格舞, bachata, 西班牙舞, 摇摆不定的混血儿, 探戈, 和更多的!
  • POP普拉提| POP普拉提是你从未见过的普拉提. 这是一个令人难以置信的腹部雕刻的融合, 根据你最喜欢的40首热门歌曲编排的全部身体定义动作.
  • 萨尔萨舞 来学习这种流行的交际舞吧! While the dance's name was coined in New York, 萨尔萨舞 represents a mix of Latin musical genres.
  • 整体体能 一个有趣的有氧运动,力量和健美的组合. 这个整体, 高强度风格的项目利用自由力量, 阻力和体重, 时间间隔, 耐力, 和增强式训练. 没有两个类是完全相同的.
  • 瑜伽 | This is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that originated in ancient India. Our classes focus on the system of physical techniques in terms of the broad conception of yoga, 被称为哈他瑜伽. 哈塔增加力量, 灵活性, and awareness of the body; relaxation techniques help with stress relief. 在实践中, 有各种各样的产品,包括日出瑜伽, employee-focused瑜伽, 阴瑜伽, 睡前瑜伽, 还有整个瑜伽.
  • 瑜伽造型 |当肌肉遇上瑜伽,瑜伽雕塑就诞生了. 当你在欢快的轨道上运动时,促进新陈代谢,增加肌肉质量. 这个课程结合了自由举重的力量, 体重的阻力, 增强式训练, 有氧运动, 和瑜伽,创造一个真正的全身锻炼!
  • 尊巴| A Latin-inspired 有氧运动-dance workout that uses music and choreographed steps to form a fitness party atmosphere. While many of the types of dance and music featured in the program are Latin American-inspired, classes can also contain everything from jazz to African beats to country to hip-hop and pop.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/23/2024