Host a Bonner Fellow - Mini Internship Process

Interested in long-term work with a CC student? 

Our 邦纳奖学金 is 一个很好的方法 to 连接到 students doing long-term, sustained, capacity building work with community organizations. 


The 邦纳奖学金 is a developmental, cohort based, paid civic leadership fellowship. 社区合作伙伴 are invited to take part in our Bonner Fellow’s first year exploration through our Bonner “mini-internships”. The Bonner Mini-Internship rotation is the practicum 组件 for our first year 邦纳的同伴 as they explore and seek to 识别 a community organization they would like to engage with long term.

These internships are geared to expose our students to your organization, its mission, and its work. Mini-internships should ideally be structured as opportunities Fellows could engage with over a 三周 时间 共计15小时. 学生 will rotate through 3 mini-internships total over the course of the Spring semester (January - April). By the end of their first year, Fellows should have an identified community partner that they plan to work with in the following year.

About the 邦纳奖学金

The mission of the 邦纳奖学金 is to cultivate civic leadership through community-engaged action, 学习, and reflection in community with peers. Fellowships last through graduation, and pair multi-year 以社区为基础的 internships with opportunities to learn from, 并将所学应用于, 参与经验. The 邦纳奖学金 is intended to help students make change now, but also for them to be changed; to help prepare them for the lifelong pursuit of changemaking, whether that is through work in the nonprofit or public sectors, or community commitments beyond their careers.

Fellows work around 24 hours a block, combining direct work with community partners with participation in Fellowship programming. The fellowship is called “Bonner” because we follow the cohort-based model developed by the 邦纳基金会 in Princeton and refined over 25 years at more than 70 institutions. The fellowship has three core pillars: (1) community engagement, (2) 学习 and reflection, and (3) community-building with peers.

*Fellowships are paid through 以社区为基础的 工作研究 & CCE获得融资 

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Pillars of the 邦纳奖学金


茉莉花 & NancyFellows will engage in work that is guided by and in collaboration with an off-campus community partner, and benefits communities beyond the campus.

学习 & 反射

改革者车间Fellows will learn about topics or concepts that relate to their community engagement work or the broader field of community engagement. Fellows will regularly reflect on their community work through cohort-based workshops and written reflections.


Bonners at Concrete CoyoteFellows will build community with other fellows by sharing in the work that they are doing, providing regular support to one another, and getting to know one another in hopes that their Bonner experience will feel like a collective experience with other students who are passionate about changemaking.

Submit a Mini-Internship Proposal

If you are interested in hosting an opportunity for a Fellow for the Spring of 2024, 提交 a 以下建议: 2023年10月18日.  

报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/25/2023