Past Commencement Speakers

1882 - 1899

May 31, 1882 first: President E.P. Tenney

May 30, 1883: President E.P. Tenney

May 28, 1884: President E.P. Tenney

1885 - 1890: No information. This was a low period in the history of Colorado College. There were few students and faculty, 直到1888年威廉·斯洛克姆来到这里并开始重建.

June 17, 1891: Mr. James H. Baker

1892: no information

June 14, 1893: Hon. Joel F. Vaile

June 13, 1894: Hon. L. Bradford Prince

June 12, 1895: Mr. Aaron Gove

June 17, 1896: Rev. James H. Ecob, D.D.

June 16, 1897: Hon. Charles S. Thomas

June 15, 1898: Hon. Tyson S. Dines

June 14, 1899: Rev. Clarence T. Brown

1900 - 1929

June 13, 1900: Gen. Irving Hale

June 12, 1901: Rev. Robert F. Coyle, D.D.

June 18, 1902: Rev. Cornelius H. Patton, D.D., St. Louis, "Culture and Power"

June 10, 1903: President Edward D. Eaton, LL.D., Beloit College

June 6, 1904: Hon. Charles J. Hughes, Jr.

June 7, 1905: Mr. F.J.V. Skiff

June 13, 1906: Henry F. May, Esq.

June 12, 1907: Hon. Herbert J. Hagerman

June 10, 1908: Mr. A.D. Parker

June 16, 1909: Rev. James Dr. Gregg

June 15, 1910: Mr. William Allen White

June 14, 1911: Rev. Joseph W. Cochran, D.D., "The Making of a Leader"

June 12, 1912: Mr. Henry McAllister, Jr., "The Responsibility of Educated Citizenship"

June 11, 1913: Dean LeBaron Russell Briggs, LL.D.

June 10, 1914: Professor Clifford Herschel Moore, Ph.D., "The College and Liberal Studies"

June 9, 1915: Mr. Carlton C. Wright, Colorado College '83, "The Test of Success"

June 14, 1916: Prof. Thomas Nixon Carver, LL.D., "Discipline and Democracy"

May 8, 1917年为退役军人举行的特别毕业典礼:威廉·斯洛克姆总统

June 13, 1917: Pres. William Henry Crawford, LL.D.

May 29, 1918: Prof. William Henry Schofield, Ph. D., Harvard University, "The Student and the War"

June 25, 1919: Prof. George Lincoln Hendrickson, L.H.D., LL.D., Harvard University, "Nature and Human Nature"

June 16, 1920: Pres. George Norlin, Ph.D., University of Colorado, "The Prison of the Present"

June 15, 1921: Hon. Charles S. Thomas, L.L.B., "Quis custodiet"

June 14, 1922: President George Williston Nash, L.L. D.

June 13, 1923: Charles Hubbard Judd, Ph.D., LL.D.,芝加哥大学,《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》

June 11, 1924: Heber Reece Harper, S.T.B., D.D.,丹佛大学校长,《赌博正规的十大网站》

June 10, 1925: Frederick William Shipley, Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis

June 16, 1926: Ernest Hiram Lindley, PhD.,LL.D.堪萨斯大学校长,“新边疆与新拓荒者”

June 15, 1927: Edgar Idell Lovett, Ph.D., LL.D., President of Rice Institute, "Scholarship and Service"

June 13, 1928: John Hanson Thomas Main, Ph.D., LL.D., President of Grinnell College, "The American Ideal"

June 12, 1929: President Donald J. Cowling, Ph.D., LL.D.,卡尔顿学院院长,“文科在美国教育中的地位”

1930 - 1959

June 11, 1930: President James Arnold Blaisdell, D.D., LL.D.,克莱蒙特学院院长,“变化世界中的学院”

June 10, 1931: Aurelia Henry Reinhardt, Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D.,米尔斯总统学院,奥克兰,加州,“学习与欢笑”

June 8, 1932: Professor Samuel l. Joshi, Dept. Comparative Religion & 印度哲学,达特茅斯学院,“与变化中的世界秩序相关的美国学院”

June 14, 1933: President Irving Maurer, D.D., LL.D.,伯洛伊特学院校长,威斯康星州伯洛伊特,“今天的文科教育”

June 13, 1934: President James Fulton Zimmerman, Ph.D., President of University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, N.M., "The New Real"

June 10, 1935: Statement by President Davies

June 8, 1936: Statement by President Davies

June 7, 1937: Statement by President Thurston J. Davies, LL.D.

June 13, 1938: Statement by President Thurston J. Davies, LL.D.

June 12, 1939: Statement by President Thurston J. Davies, LL.D.

June 10, 1940: Statement by President Thurston J. Davies, LL.D.

June 9, 1941: Statement by President Thurston J. Davies, LL.D.

June 1, 1942: Statement by President Thurston J. Davies, LL.D.

1943年5月31日:查理·布朗·好时总统发表声明,埃德.D., LL.D.

February 24, 1944: President Charlie Brown Hershey, Ed.D., LL.D.

June 25, 1944: President Charlie Brown Hershey, Ed.D., LL.D.

October 24, 1944: Glen William Shaw '10, 科罗拉多东方语言大学海军学院院长, "America and the Orient"

February 25, 1945: Reuben Gilbert Gustavson, Ph.D., Sc.D.科罗拉多大学校长,“在黑暗中打孔”

June 24, 1945: Dean Hazelton, "The Two Blessings"

1945年10月23日:代理总统查理·布朗.D., LL.D.

June 23, 1946: Statement by President Thurston J. Davies, LL.D.

June 14, 1947: Statement by President Thurston J. Davies, LL.D.

June 5, 1948: John T. Haney, LL.B., "The Traffic Light"

June 4, 1949: Reginald Myers Atwater, M.D., M.P.H., D.P.H., "The Harvest of the Years"

June 3, 1950: William E. Stevenson, President of Oberlin College


June 8, 1952: Chancellor Albert C. Jacobs, LL.D., University of Denver

June 7, 1953: Dr. 欧内斯特·阿莫斯·约翰逊,1918届毕业生,伊利诺伊州森林湖森林湖学院院长

June 6, 1954: Ward Darley, M.D., President of University of Colorado

June 12, 1955: Chancellor Chester M. Alter, University of Denver

June 10, 1956: The Very Reverend Paul C. Reinert, S.J., President of St. Louis University

June 10, 1957: James E. Webb, President, Frontiers of Science Foundation

June 2, 1958: Robert E. Wilson,印第安纳州标准石油公司董事会退休主席,负责个人和激励。

June 1, 1959: Dr. Walter P. Paepcke,美国集装箱公司董事会主席,“毕业后,什么?"

1960 - 1989

June 6, 1960: John F. 梅里亚姆,北方天然气公司总裁,“你的教育和文化高峰-何时?"

June 5, 1961: The Honorable Robert B. Meyner, Governor of New Jersey


May 27, 1963: Hans Rosenhaupt, National Director, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Princeton, New Jersey, "Rite of Passage, 1963"

June 1, 1964: David Packard, Chairman of the Board, Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, California, "Self-Enlightenment: The Key to Progress"

May 31, 1965: Robert Orville Anderson, Chairman of the Board, Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies, "The Years Ahead"

May 30, 1966: William Illy Jovanovich, President, Harcourt, Brace and World, New York City, "Aspects of the Present"

May 29, 1967: Dr. 杰奎琳·格伦南,韦伯斯特学院院长,“开放世界中权威的力量”

May 27, 1968: Dr. William E. 阿斯彭人文研究所所长史蒂文森说:“什么承诺?"

June 2, 1969: Dr. Richard D. Weigle, President of St. 约翰学院,安纳波利斯和圣达菲,“文理学院:一个时代错误或范式。?"

June 1, 1970: Dr. Merrimon A. 丹佛斯基金会主席Cuniggim说:“相反,我们仍然有机会!"

June 2, 1971: Dr. Arland F. 克里斯特-詹纳,大学入学考试委员会主席

June 31, 1972: Dr. Arval A. 莫里斯,华盛顿大学法学院教授,“走向开明的人类自由”

1973年5月30日:海伦·史蒂文森·梅纳,1950届毕业生,“从1973年的窗口 ... A Glance at the Past; A View of the Future"

June 4, 1974: Mr. Joseph Elliott Slater, President of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, "Values, Diversity, and a Choice in a Free Society"

June 2, 1975: Dr. 罗纳德·伯曼,美国国家人文基金会主席,《赌博正规的十大网站》

May 31, 1976: Dr. 西德尼·安德斯·兰德,圣奥拉夫学院院长,《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》

May 30, 1977: Dr. Marshall A. Robinson, The Ford Foundation, Vice-President, Resource and Environmental Affairs, "The Ecology of Mistakes"

June 5, 1978: Dr. John R. 西尔伯,波士顿大学校长,“图书标题之神”

June 4, 1979: The Honorable Thomas L. 前俄勒冈州州长麦考尔:“你的未来有未来吗?"

June 2, 1980: Martin E. Marty, Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor, The University of Chicago, "Breathing Holes for the Human Spirit" -E.M. Forster

June 1, 1981: President Lloyd E. Worner, "Of Freedom and Authority - 1981"

May 31, 1982: Sandra Day O'Connor, 美国最高法院的助理法官, "One Step at a Time-And Keep Walking"

June 6, 1983: Hazel Estella Barnes, Professor of Classics & 综合研究,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,“生活的神话”

June 4, 1984: Frank Newman, Presidential Fellow, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, "Education in the Age of American Resurgence"

June 3, 1985: Mr. David McCullough, Author and Historian, "The Real World"

June 2, 1986: Senator Alan K. Simpson R-Wyoming

June 1, 1987: Lynne V. 切尼,1963级,国家人文基金会主席,“凡人的赌注”


May 15, 1989: Author John Nichols, "The Sky's The Limit"

1990 - 1999

May 14, 1990: Sydney Pollack, Film Producer and Director

May 13, 1991: The Honorable Richard B. 切尼,美国国防部长,《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》


May 24, 1993: Timothy E. Wirth,国务院参赞,“新世界挑战”

1994年5月23日:Glenna Maxey Goodacre, 1961年,艺术家和雕塑家,“成功是最好的报复”


May 20, 1996: Oscar Arias Sanchez, former President of Costa Rica and Nobel Laureate, "In Search of New Leadership" - transcript

May 19, 1997: Garry Trudeau, Pulitzer Prize Winning Syndicated Cartoonist, "The Impertinent Question"

1998年5月18日:亚当·沃巴赫,前塞拉俱乐部主席,“现在行动,以后道歉”- transcript

1999年5月17日:比尔·理查森,美国能源部长- transcript


2000年5月22日:美国国会女议员戴安娜·德盖特79 - transcript

2001年5月21日:科罗拉多州总检察长肯·萨拉查,1977年- transcript

2002年5月20日:Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,著名作家、研究员、教授- transcript

2003年5月19日:安德鲁·舒,演员、活动家、运动员和企业家—— transcript

May 17, 2004: Eric Schlosser, author and journalist - transcript

2005年5月23日:Neal Baer,医学博士,《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》和《Law ? & Order: SVU," '78 - transcript and audio

May 22, 2006: Gretchen Cryer, author and actor - transcript

May 21, 2007: David Burnett '68, photojournalist - transcript

May 19, 2008: Billy Collins, poet - transcript and audio

May 18, 2009: Michael Bennet, senator - transcript


2010年5月17日:韦德·戴维斯,人类学家和民族植物学家 transcript and audio

2011年5月23日:马克·菲奥里1991年,普利策奖政治漫画家- transcript

2012年5月21日:阿比盖尔·沃什伯恩,99年,词曲作者和音乐家 transcript and video

2013年5月20日:玛丽安·赖特·埃德尔曼,儿童保护基金会的创始人和主席 transcript and video

2014年5月19日:Jane Lubchenco '69, 2009-2013 - transcript and video

2015年5月18日:威廉“兄弟”亚当斯72年,国家人文基金会第十任主席- transcript and video.

May 16, 2016: Marcia McNutt '74, former editor-in-chief of Science and head of the USGS - transcript.

May 22, 2017: Hampton Sides P'16, Journalist and New York Times Bestselling Author - transcript.

2018年5月21日:南希·内格尔·吉布斯71岁,托尼奖制作人- transcript.

2019年5月19日:奥普拉·温弗瑞,全球媒体领袖、慈善家、制片人和女演员- full remarks.

May 23, 2021: Jill Tiefenthaler P’21, P’24, CEO of the National Geographic Society, former CC President - transcript and video

May 30, 2021 (Class of 2020): Richard Lariviere, former president and CEO of the Field Museum in Chicago, former president of the University of Oregon - transcript and video

May 22, 2022: Dr. Margaret A. 刘氏77年,在疫苗、基因传递、癌症免疫治疗等领域享有盛誉 video

May 28, 2023: Liz Cheney ’88, former U.S. Representative - transcript and video


Report an issue - Last updated: 07/26/2023