
The State of the Rockies project invites students to submit up to three photos and a description of each photo(s) taken from the Rocky Mountain West that reminds us why, 如何, and/or what conservation efforts are necessary to preserve and protect nature.  学生 are required to describe 如何 their photo submission(s) relate to a conservation topic covered by this year's State of the Rockies Conservation in the West poll.

This student event is made possible by funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and is sponsored by The 科罗拉多大学 State of the Rockies Project.


赌博正规的十大网站第13届年度落基山项目 2023年西部保护调查 表现出对干旱等问题的极度关注, 供水不足, 森林大火, 野生动物栖息地和自然空间的丧失, 以及气候变化对西部山区选民的影响. Those concerns align with continued strong support for pro-conservation policies.




Ollie Beland摄于1925年

摄影是光的艺术, which makes it a powerful tool for capturing the true scope of light pollution. The light encroaching from nearby Fruita was just enough to illuminate the canyon walls, 让这张照片成为可能. Even this much light was more than enough to begin to snuff out the night sky, which presents challenges to many flora and fauna that rely on dark skies. 摄影也创造了捕捉动态的机会. 在这种情况下, 我能看到照进纪念碑的光线, 沿着峡谷壁流动.  

侵犯奥利·贝兰德"The photograph "侵犯," captures the true power of photography. The image is a testament to the ability of photography to hold onto the beauty of our world while reminding us of the importance of preserving it for future generations.

长时间曝光的夜景令人惊叹, capturing the heart of light and the impact of light pollution on our environment. It's a reminder that even a little bit of light can have a big impact and that we need to do more to protect our natural world.

整体, "侵犯" is a truly remarkable photograph that speaks to the heart of what photography is all about - capturing the beauty of our world and inspiring us to preserve it for generations to come.——希瑟·欧克劳斯



摄影:Henry Allen

A moose grazes on vibrant grasses within a charred forest in 落基山国家公园. The stark contrast serves as a reminder of 如何 fragile, yet resilient, nature can be. While the recent burn has allowed the undergrowth to take advantage of redistributed nutrients, 松林要完全恢复还需要一段时间. 处方烧伤可能是有效和可控的解决方案. 

照片“烧伤地区的驼鹿”, taken in 落基山国家公园 is a beautiful image of a landscape ravaged by wildland fire and given time, 自然恢复的自然进程. 它的构图很好,利用了令人难以置信的光线.  The vibrant green grass in the meadow gives the viewer hope that after the fire destruction, the environment can  eventually  revive and provide support for  life as evidenced by the lone moose  grazing in the burned forest." ——史蒂夫·韦弗



Ollie Beland摄于1925年

沙漠洪水给这片干旱的土地带来了生机. 创造出最多只能维持几天的小绿洲, 这些风暴也给沙漠带来了巨大的美丽. The fleeting sunlight catching on the towering rock mirrors the fleeting presence of the water in the foreground. As drought becomes more and more of an issue in the desert southwest, 这样的时刻可能会变得更加短暂, 可能会完全消失.



"It is nothing short of incredible what a bit of water can do to a desert ecosystem. 突然间,看似贫瘠的土地焕发了生机. This photograph in Arches captures that nicely and at the perfect time of day, 给现场增添了光彩. 摄影师把被照亮的岩层拍得很好, 并将其与背景中的渐变云进行了很好的对比." ——乔什·拉布




Ollie Beland摄于1925年



Maren Greene摄于1924年




Maren Greene摄于1924年



Maren Greene摄于1924年


希瑟Oelklaus 希瑟Oelklaus

希瑟Oelklaus is the Print Work Shop Supervisor for the 科罗拉多大学 Art Department. 在过去的30年里,她的生活一直围绕着艺术. 就读于堪萨斯城艺术学院之后, Heather moved to 科罗拉多州 Springs where she has been creating artworks that incorporate her passion for photography, 版画, 雕塑, 绘画, 纤维, 和拼贴画. Her work has been exhibited in numerous galleries and museums and is held in private collections around the United States. Heather explores the boundaries of photography and experiments with alternative processes and technologies. 当她不拍照的时候, 你可以看到她在画画, 在她的织机上织布, 并为她的艺术创作研究新技术.

Josh拉布 Josh-Raab_20190621_600.jpg

乔希·拉布(Josh拉布)是《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》的Instagram总监. Previously, Josh worked at TIME as a Photo and Multimedia Editor. He has also been an adjunct professor at the International Center of Photography. Josh started out as a photographer covering the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings and Hurricane Sandy, 然后通过创立Jay Peg’s Photo Pub转行做编辑.,一个面向新兴摄影师的在线和印刷出版物.

斯蒂芬·韦弗 SteveWeaverheadshot.jpg

斯蒂芬·韦弗 is an award-winning photographer with over 40 years of experience making images of the natural world. 地质学家受过正规教育的地质学家, Steve combines his scientific knowledge with his photographic abilities to produce stunning images that illustrate the beauty of the structure and composition of the earth and its natural systems.

Stephen grew up in Pennsylvania and from an early age developed a passion for nature and the outdoors. 作为一名地质学本科学生, he first visited the Rocky Mountains where he fell in love with the mountain environment and the wide-open grand landscapes of the West. Steve currently photographs throughout North America with a major emphasis on mountains, 沙漠, 草原环境. 他尤其以他的催人泪下而闻名 & 草和草原环境的巧妙形象.   查看他的作品 Stephen-Weaver.com

Stephen is the creator of 科罗拉多大学's State of the Rockies landscape images exhibited across campus over the years.  He has been a member of the judges' panel for the past four years.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 10/19/2023