
To enable community-engaged pursuits within the classroom and re搜索 agendas, the CCE work年代 expand the capacity of interested faculty by providing intellectual and practitioner support in each stage.  特别是, 我们努力更好地理解和分享如何适应, 扩展, 利用一个浓缩的, 沉浸式块格式的社区影响.  CCE staff can support you in learning best practices and successful models for the block, 在设计课程或研究项目时充当思想伙伴, 能将你与合作伙伴和社区确定的需求联系起来吗, serve as co-facilitators or connect you to community co-facilitators, and can work with your students or advisees interested in applied assignments or thesis projects. We also welcome collaboration through your contribution to co-curricular student learning alongside the classroom; feel free to let us know if you’d like to offer a student workshop!

愿意与CCE合作,但不确定从哪里开始? 下面,我们起草了一份合作可能性的路线图.

但首先,你可能想知道一些事情 ...

The 合作促进社区参与 (CCE) advances the public purpose of liberal arts education through co-creating community-engaged learning experience年代 develop students into engaged citizens who invest their education in the public good. 为了完成这一使命, 我们让学生参与社区活动, 帮助他们准备好有意识地参与, 努力将社区工作融入课堂体验, 培养社区伙伴关系, 作为共同教育者,将社区带入校园.

  • 社区参与学习(CEL)最根本的是, a community-engaged learning (CEL) course promotes student learning and has community impact.  几乎, CEL courses include collaborations with community partners (non-profits, 政府机构, 社会企业, 成员, leaders) around projects or experiences that aim to help students learn course content and benefit communities beyond the academy. 最著名的形式, 的服务培训, 将社区服务融入课堂体验, 但是,有几种方法可以使教学对社区产生影响!  其他 在块上工作的模型 包括:能力建设项目, community-engaged研究, 为公众利益提供咨询, 向社区学习并与社区一起学习, 实体接触, 共同创作表达和讲故事.
  • 社区参与研究: 将追求知识投资于公共利益的研究. Co-created by academics and communities impacted by the issue or practitioners, this re搜索 aim年代 produce actionable knowledge – that which lead年代 desired social change.
  • 社区参与: 共同努力投资于共同利益, contributing to the quality of life and shared democratic futures of communities within and beyond campus.





乔丹·特拉维斯·拉德克, PhD (Sociology, focus in social movements and inequality)

faculty development, course and re搜索-based partnerships, educational workshops & 学生课程



support for and relationship-building with community-based organizations, 将合作伙伴与学生/教师联系起来



cohort-based student civic leadership programs that integrate community engagement and cocurricular learning  



cross-campus student “onramps” to community work, student-led organizations and initiatives

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刚刚开始? 参加 公众参与,可操作的知识(PEAK)项目! This project seek年代 bridge campus knowledge to community impact by connecting CC educator年代 nonprofit partners for community-engaged teaching projects. 它是这样运作的:提前一个学期, you share courses into which you’d like to incorporate a community-engaged learning project.  CCE与广泛的合作伙伴共享这些信息, and seek年代 match you to partners whose work aligns with the course.  If you don’t get matched that round, we’ll try again the following semester!

You are also always welcome to reach out to our 社区伙伴关系s Coordinator 尼基·索萨·加莱戈斯 at for support in building relationships with local organizations, or check out our 社区组织数据库.

已经设计了一个社区参与的学习课程? 标记你的课程! 阅读更多关于标准和填写应用程序 网上,或电邮详细资料至 Doing so allows u年代 share your work with other faculty and students interested in community-engaged learning, and gather data on the ways in which our campus is creating community impact through courses.

对今年哪些课程被贴上了标签感兴趣? 登录Banner,点击“课程表”.“一旦你选择了一个术语, you may use the drop-down menu for the "type" of clas年代 搜索 for "community-engaged learning" courses.

与CCE总监联系 乔丹·特拉维斯·拉德克 to 头脑风暴课程设计和项目 or 尼基·索萨·加莱戈斯,社区伙伴关系协调员 探索社区伙伴关系 可能性.

加入我们 教师发展 workshops such as Introduction to Community-Engaged Learning on the Block, 平衡社区影响和学生学习, 权力与道德. 点击这里查看即将举行的活动.

回顾我们社区参与教学的资源 和/或研究,或从我们的办公室拿一本书. We have created several great cheat-sheets and 1-pagers available on this webpage. 

应用 for a community-engaged learning curriculum or community-engaged研究 mini-grant.
注册“敬业教师”列表服务 or 问题邮件列表 (如刑事司法、性别 & 性取向,或者移民 & 难民正义)

Share more about what you’re already doing with the CCE, so we can 分享和庆祝你的工作. 电子邮件

问这个 CCE staff co-facilitate a class session, workshop, or come share targeted information 有关社区工作. CCE staff are happy to lead discussions or exercises around how to engage in community work intentionally and equitably. 另一个例子, Jordan regularly offers workshops on community-engaged研究 principles and practice年代 re搜索-oriented classes.  

在课外活动中为学生提供专业知识, as for example facilitating a student workshop as part of the CCE’s 变革者课程系列工作坊.

向CCE员工提供您的专业知识 通过在CCE顾问委员会任职. Our goal i年代 engage a diverse group of stakeholders in guiding and informing the work of the CCE.  We facilitate infrequent but thoughtfully designed meetings that give stakeholders the opportunity to serve as a true "thought partner" with meaningful voice. 要表达兴趣,可以发邮件

The mission of the 科罗拉多大学 Liberal Arts in Correctional Facilities Initiative (LACF) i年代 address inequities in higher education by expanding acces年代 higher education for incarcerated persons. 

通过LACF,赌博正规的十大网站的教师提供 for-credit courses at no cost in the Youthful Offenders System (YOS) facility in Pueblo, 为19人提供服务 to 25-一年-岁的.  学生通过普韦布洛社区学院(PCC), and courses are guaranteed to transfer as requirement年代ward associates or bachelor's degrees at any Colorado public institution of higher learning.  的基础 LACF是一个3-way 赌博正规的十大网站合作, 科罗拉多州惩教署, 普韦布洛社区学院(PCC).



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还有问题吗?? CCE主任,博士. 乔丹·特拉维斯·拉德克

份额,探索, & 连接CCE


我们想听听你与社区互动的经历! Tells about your experience working with local organizations so that we can tell the story of community engagement and assess how to better support the campus and local community through partnerships. 


(719) 389-6846
1008 N. 韦伯








报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/26/2023